InstaPrepsAi: The Confidence App

World's 1st Confidence Diagnosis App

Measure Your confidence in just 5 mins, An Initiative by IIT, NIT, Super30 Alumni

Why choose InstaPreps?

Motivational and Doubt Solving Online Classes

Curated guidance, tips & support before exams

Confidence Diagnosis in less than 5 mins

Coaches from IIT, NIT, Super30 Alumni

24*7 live personalized doubt solving

What Makes InstaPreps Unique?

World’s first Confidence Diagnosis App

InstaPreps: The Confidence App helps you in building your confidence Learning

World’s first Confidence Diagnosis App

InstaPreps: The Confidence App helps you in building your confidence Learning

Learn anywhere, anytime with InstaPreps

Learn and Solve your Doubts anytime whether you are at home or at Coaching Institute

How does it work?

Sign up in the Instapreps app

Download the App and Signup

5 minutes Confidence Diagnosis

Take a 5 minutes Confidence Diagnosis in App

Get A Detailed Analysis

Get a detailed Confidence report

Connect instantly with coaches for Doubt solving

Connect with expert coaches to solve doubts and boost your confidence score

We Don’t Say Anything,

Our Number Speaks For Us!

500k+ Downloads

5.5K+ Connect Users

1.7M+ Doubts Solved

3K+ Instapreps Location

333K+ Hours Confidence Boosting Sessions

4.5/5 Rating on Playstore


Doubt solving class was excellent and confidence coaches solved all my doubts. Through Instapreps I can improve my confidence whenever I want.

Shubhi Soni

9th, CBSE

Baburi, Chandauli, UP

JS public School

It was wonderful session with Anup Bhaiya. His words encouraged me a lot & assured me to ask my doubts regarding any topics to the faculties of 7 CLASSES at any time in Instapreps Apps.

Praveen Kumar

12th, Bihar Board

Gaya, Bihar

Gaya College

The Confidence coaches helped me clear all my doubts and now I feel confident on that topic. I will use Instapreps in the future to solve my doubts

Anwesha Tiwari

8th, CBSE

Navi Mumbai

Kendriya Vidyalaya, O.N.G.C Panvel


Tr. Arun

IIT Bombay

11+ years of Teaching Experience

Arun has been involved in teaching from an early age with varied experience and excellent track record. His expertise with Maths and Physics have made him a highly sought after teacher. As a very disciplined individual he does not hesitate to help weaker students.

Tr. Anup Raj

IIT Bombay, Super 30 Alumni

10+ years of Teaching Experience

Anup being an IIT Bombay and Super 30 alumni has witnessed both best and the least faciliated frameworks of Indian education system and hence he knows the best way to inculcate the learning methods for students. His teaching methods are very unique that make the learning for students faster and interesting.

Associations Of Our Coaches

IIT Bombay

NIT Raipur

Delhi University

Mumbai University

Pune University

Bharati Vidyapeeth University

Our Partners & Media Coverage

What Can You Use InstaPreps For?



Confidence Boost

Doubt Solving



Exam Preparation

Note discussion

Concept discussion

Are you Confident for your exams?

Download Instapreps and Connect with Experts From IIT, NIT, & Super 30 in just 45 Seconds