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JEE Advance Topics & Chapterwise Weightage

Important Topics for JEE Advanced Paper- 1


For syllabus for Physics paper 1 will consist of the following list of topics, including those which carry the most weightage, to the least ones –

Important Topic Weightage
Alternating Current 6-7%
Centre of Mass, Momentum, and Collision 6-7%
Electromagnetic Induction 21-22%
Fluid Mechanics 11-12%
Heat Transfer 6-7%
Modern Physics 9-10%
Optics 11-12%
Thermodynamics 14-15%
Sound Waves 4-5%
Wave Motion and String Waves 6-7%


The syllabus for Chemistry paper 1, consist following list of topics, starting from those which carry the most weightage, to the least ones –

Important Topic Weightage
Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids 14-15%
Atomic Structure 14-15%
Chemical Bonding 4-5%
Coordination Compounds 4-5%
Electrochemistry 4-5%
Hydrocarbons 13-14%
Organic Chemistry 11-12%
P-Block Elements 13-14%
Solid State 4-5%
Solutions 6-7%
Thermodynamics 6-7%


For JEE Advanced Mathematics paper 1 will include the following topics, starting from those which carry the most weightage, to the least ones –

Important Topic Weightage
Application of Derivatives 14-15%
Circles 9-10%
Definite Integral 11-12%
Ellipse 4-5%
Hyperbola 6-7%
Limits and Continuity 6-7%
Matrices 11-12%
Parabola 11-12%
Probability 6-7%
Permutations and Combinations 4-5%
Sequence and Series 4-5%

Important Topics for JEE Advanced Paper- 2


The syllabus for Physics paper 2, will comprise of following list of topics, starting from those which carry the most weightage, to the least ones –

Important Topic Weightage
Alternating Current 6-7%
Capacitors 9-10%
Current Electricity 6-7%
Electrostatics 6-7%
Gravitation 4-5%
Kinematics 4-5%
Magnetism 11-12%
Measurement and Errors 4-5%
Modern Physics 4-5%
Rotational Dynamics 29-30%
Vectors 4-5%
Wave Optics 5-6%


The syllabus for Chemistry paper 2, will consist of the following topics, starting from those which carry the most weightage, to the least ones –

Important Topic Weightage
Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers 9-10%
Chemical Kinetics 6-7%
Electrochemistry 4-5%
Equilibrium in Physical and Chemical Processes 6-7%
Haloalkanes and Haloarenes 6-7%
Hydrocarbons 6-7%
Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen 9-10%
P-Block Elements 22-23%
Some P-Block Elements 6-7%
Study of First Element: Hydrogen 4-5%
Surface Chemistry 6-7%
Thermodynamics 4-5%


JEE Advanced Mathematics syllabus for paper 2 consists of the following list of topics, starting from those which carry the most weightage, to the least ones is jotted down after a vivid JEE Advanced Paper Analysis.

Important Topic Weightage
3D Geometry 20-21%
Application of Derivatives 19-20%
Area of Bounded Regions 6-7%
Definite Integrals 13-14%
Limits and Continuity 6-7%
Matrices 4-5%
Probability 4-5%
Sets, Relations and Functions 4-5%
Theory of Equations 9-10%
Trigonometry 6-7%

Which Books to Follow for JEE Advanced Syllabus Preparation?

Along with the books allotted by the 11th and 12th grades, the books given below are to be referred to be in full preparation of the JEE Advanced 2022 exam syllabus.


Test of mathematics 10+2
Pre college mathematics
IIT JEE Questions bank
I.A.Maron & S.L. Loney (only for reference & theory)
NCERT & R.S. Agrawal for basics & practice


Books Author
Organic Chemistry Morrison Boyd
Organic Chemistry OP Tondon
Inorganic Chemistry OP Tondonv
Numerical Chemistry P Bahadur


Concepts of Physics by H.C. Verma
QB of IIT jee last 10-25 years